Friday, October 26, 2007

Had a look and added my blog to the list - not sure what else to say - as it seems all very similar to the Wiki part of this weeks work - so cf. with my comment for that.
I can see the use of Wikis in narrowing down search options in the huge clogged juggernaut that is the whole Internet. Reading other reviews of books etc. is interestingif you have time - but I guess it needs to be remembered that presumably the bulk of the information put on an Wiki is subjective and not any recognised authority. Read in that context - fine.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Remember Farenheit 451!!

In terms of reference resources for any Library it makes sense to be aware and forward thinking in terms of the next big thing in the whole Internet concept - ie Web 2.0 and it's off shoot Library 2.0.
However, considering that I work on a Saturday for 3 hours and the majority of people I have in the Library are replenishing their weeks stock of Romances, Best sellers or Westerns, or Dads bringing kids down to the Library to give Mum a break - all this computer referencing is not relevant. People still want their books to sit down and read with a cup of coffee.
Even all the blogging will be done by people at home if they so desire - it's not something that a Library Staff member like myself will need to direct clints in.
Concerned at the whole Americanisation of it all too - but it seems I'm writing that comment with each Exercise!
I can't believe people are sitting around all over the world just spending so much time blogging and using this Technorati function to searchthe blogs. Where do people get the time and where are peoples priorities??
Talking of priorities checking out the Top Favourite Technorati sites only highlighted the American dominance of this whole concept.
Worse than that is the fact that a scroll through Top Searches under environment had nothing greener than the prices for oil, gold and other minerals. What an indictment upon users. Only interested in making money (again another of the top favourite sites), business and computers - and probably only in America
There's another life out there!
The main difference that I can see between Tagging and the usual Bookmarks is the keyword function which would be quite useful if you were constantly searching the Web and were able to enter keywords for further research later.

Monday, October 15, 2007

I can see the use of this if you were studying and using favourite web sites regularly. The idea is nice - however as a full time mum - I don't have the time - so it's only wishful thinking.
At least Library Thing is an easy and comprehansive tool. I can see the practical use for it at home and at work. Pity the book connections are overwhelmingly American.
Had a look at Alphabet Soup which could be fun if you could add more than three words.
Pirate speak - a translation service from common language into Pirate Languages pved limiting unfortunately - that would have been really fun.
I have acquired a new Pirate Name through the Pirate Name allocation system - at least I got something out of this exercise!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Really Simple Search??

RSS feeds must be at the absolute cutting edge of technology - it's so new in fact that the majority of sites I looked at didn't even have an RSS feed - and if they did - it was really well hidden!! Searching Feedster and Googleblog seemed a bit pointless as information was irrelevant for the most part. Not really sure that it would be of great use in general life - and having spent the best part of 3 hours on the exercise (bearing in mind I only work for 3 1/4 hours a week) - I now don't have time to even see what information the RSS feeds contain!!
Really Simple Searches!!