Monday, October 22, 2007

Remember Farenheit 451!!

In terms of reference resources for any Library it makes sense to be aware and forward thinking in terms of the next big thing in the whole Internet concept - ie Web 2.0 and it's off shoot Library 2.0.
However, considering that I work on a Saturday for 3 hours and the majority of people I have in the Library are replenishing their weeks stock of Romances, Best sellers or Westerns, or Dads bringing kids down to the Library to give Mum a break - all this computer referencing is not relevant. People still want their books to sit down and read with a cup of coffee.
Even all the blogging will be done by people at home if they so desire - it's not something that a Library Staff member like myself will need to direct clints in.
Concerned at the whole Americanisation of it all too - but it seems I'm writing that comment with each Exercise!

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Thanks for your comments. All views are equally important, esecially when we need to assess the usefulness of different applications within our communitites
keep up the good work
